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Next Steps for Technical Education in England - T Levels, Functional Skills and the Post 16 Transition Year

By Amanda

Date / Time:
Monday, 18th June 2018
09:00 to 13:00
Westminster Forum Projects
Contact details:
Central London - TBA
Registration link:

This timely seminar will assess next steps for technical education in England. It is bringing together stakeholders with key policymakers to examine central themes emerging from responses to the Government’s consultation on the implementation of T-levels and the wider reformed technical education system. Delegates will also discuss preparations for the first three T-level programmes - Digital, Construction, and Education and Childcare - which are due to be taught from 2020.

Key areas for discussion include:

T-levels - key challenges for implementing the new framework of 15 technical routes - as well as employer-led curriculum design and practicalities of incorporating work placements;
Assessment - the potential impact of moving to a single awarding body per qualification;
Maths and English - how might provision be best included, in light of the Government’s consultation on functional skills qualifications and proposals for a transition year for pupils who do not meet minimum grades at GCSE;
Recognition and quality - what more can be done to ensure that technical education delivers parity of esteem with A-levels;
Sustainability - following the publication of the final two waves of the Area Reviews of Post-16 education - what more might be needed to underpin the success of the technical education reforms; and
Next steps for policy - as the UK leaves the EU, what further steps might be taken to develop the technical education system required to meet employers’ needs - particularly for those sectors identified in the Industrial Strategy.

