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Digital Infra Xchange - NEW DATE

By Steve Hone

Date / Time:
Thursday, 15th June 2023
07:30 to 18:00
Conference and Exhibition
Contact details:
The Tower Hotel
The Tower Hotel, St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1LD
Registration link:

Welcome to the Digital Infra Xchange Summit, hosted by RockScar Media, where we will explore the crucial topic of sustainable digital infrastructure. The Summit will take place at The Tower Hotel in London, bringing together data centre owners, occupiers, investors, and thought leaders from the information technology and commercial real estate communities.

In recent years, the digital infrastructure industry has seen exponential growth in data consumption, driven by high bandwidth data transfers, cloud computing, and streaming services. While this growth has led to new technological advancements, it has also resulted in an increase in energy usage and carbon emissions. As the digital infrastructure industry continues to expand, it is imperative that we address the issue of sustainability.

The Digital Infra Xchange Summit 2023 aims to provide a platform for discussions on market activity and trends in sustainable digital infrastructure. We will hear from Managing Directors, CEOs, CFOs, Vice Presidents and Directors of Data Centres and IT infrastructure, Procurement, ESG, Sustainability, Supply Chain, Finance, and Energy experts in the field, who will share their insights and experiences on how to create flexible, accessible, and energy-efficient digital infrastructure. 

We recognise that the digital infrastructure industry has a significant environmental footprint throughout its lifecycle, from production to operation and disposal. As such, it is our responsibility to ensure that sustainability is embedded throughout the sector to achieve our sustainability goals by 2030.

Calling all the Industry Leaders to join us at the Digital Infra Xchange Summit 2023 to drive change and shape the future of digital infrastructure.



