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The DCA's 10X10 Data Centre Update Briefing and Networking Events

By Steve Hone

Date / Time:
Thursday, 16th February 2023
14:30 to 21:00
Social / Networking Event
The DCA - Update Briefing from 14:30 - 18:30 ~ Networking Drinks from 18:30 - 21:00+
Contact details:
The Vaults, The RSA, RSA House, The Stand, London
RSA House, 8 John Adam St, London, WC2N 6EZ
Registration link:



10x10’s Data Centre Updates

This is both a challenging, yet exciting, time for anyone tasked with managing their businesses digital infrastructure. As the pace of digitalisation continues to accelerate so does the pressure when trying to balance the scales on serious issue such as resilience, sustainability, energy costs, data security, CSR compliance and Net Zero targets.

This is a series of regular, Data Centre focused, digital infrastructure update and networking events planned over the next 12 months. If you ever were luckily enough to attend one of Simon Allen's the highly regarded UKDCIG network update events, you will know what to expect. 

The original quality and format has been maintained, the afternoon consists of short punchy 10 minute thought leadership industry update briefings on some of the key issues impacting the Data Centre sector today, with a networking drinks reception in the evening.
The DCA 10x10 events will continue to take place in central London, exact location TBC
Registration opens at 14:30, with update briefings from 15:30- 18:30, followed by a networking drinks reception from 18:30 - 21:00+ providing the opportunity for delegates, speakers and fellow peers to meet and network.
Attendance to these events is free of charge, is restricted to a maximum of 80 delegates and is by invitation only. If you have not yet been contacted and would like to submit a request to attend the next event then please click on the registration link and a member of the team will contact you.




10x10 Update Schedule for 2023

16 February 2023

22 June 2023

21 September 2023

23 November 2023


