
GDPR & your privacy.

Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

DCA Secretariat



Steve Hone

CEO Data Centre Alliance

Steve has over 25-year experience in IT communications Industry. In 2010 Steve co-founder the Data Centre Trade Association know globally as the DCA. Steve also sits on a number of steering committees and advisory boards for organisations and other T/As connected to the data centre sector.Today Steve forms part of the secretariat team for the DCA as CEO, still oversees the running of Colofinder, sits on a number of Technical Councils and company boards in an advisory role.


To contact Steve - email: [email protected] or call 0845 873 4587

Amanda McFarlane

Communications Manager 

Amanda is PR & Marketing Executive for the Data Centre Alliance.  Amanda has extensive experience in the IT and Telecoms sectors, having worked in Marketing for global organisations including Alcatel-Lucent.

Amanda is responsible for all aspects of PR & Marketing and is very used to working to deadlines. Currently working on the development of the new DCA website, proofing and editing articles, media and event partnerships, press releases, social media and events.


To contact Amanda - email: amandam@dca-global.org or call 0845 873 4587

The role of the DCA Secretariat includes:

• Overseeing the day to day operational running of the international data centre trade association.

• Maintaining a strong collaborative relationship with all DCA strategic partners and affiliated trade bodies.

• Representing the data centre sector at international and EU Standards development meetings.

• Updating members on DCA/European Commission Horizon 2020 research project engagement.

• Keeping members informed of policy, regulatory, taxation and compliance changes which may effect them.

• Implementing the strategy defined by the DCA membership and Board.

• Managing membership subscriptions and the financial affairs of the Trade Association.

• Hosting and promoting special interest groups, seminars and conferences globally.

• Providing and maintaining a trusted and secure platform where knowledge can be both shared and gained.

• Ensuring members are kept regularly updated via newsletters news-feeds and or monthly DCA journal.

• Raising the profile of members via public speaking engagements & publication of thought leadership content.


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